Classical Education: Liberal Arts for the Modern Age

What is happiness, and how do we get it?

BFHS believes that the true purpose of education is to prepare the student to answer these questions in adulthood. The mission of BFHS is to train students to be intellectually curious and pursue academic and moral excellence through the pursuit of what is good, true, and beautiful, to teach them how to think instead of what to think. To that end, BFHS uses the classical model of education to train our students both in mind and in heart.  It allows us to fall in love with knowledge, and use the talents we acquire to become thinking, moral citizens.

We believe that true happiness stems from a life lived in the pursuit and enjoyment of goodness, truth, and beauty. 

More Than College, More Than Career

While college and career preparation are an essential part of a high school education, we believe that a student’s future happiness in life should not be dependent on the name on their bachelor’s degree or a desirable tax bracket. We believe that true happiness stems from a life lived in the pursuit and enjoyment of goodness, truth, and beauty. 

Our classical model reflects our commitment to training the whole person. An education that focuses solely on the training of the mind neglects the training of the moral being. The classical model at BFHS deliberately and explicitly incorporates the training of both intellect and conscience in our curriculum and classroom. Many of our parents find that our emphasis on both academics and moral character dovetails with their own moral vision and instruction at home.

Liberal Arts for the Modern Age

A liberal arts-centered education is the most proven way to train the whole student. Through a deliberate curriculum plan centered on the most timeless works of literature, philosophy, and art created in human history, we train the student’s heart and mind towards pursuing virtue and excellence. Many BFHS alumni share powerful testimony about the lasting impact of teachers who were passionate not only for their subject area but also passionate for the well-being of their students. 

This makes education, by its very nature, a moral job. A classical school understands that it is necessary to teach self-control, and that a person becomes virtuous only by practicing virtue. A classical school will show examples of courage and honor, of nobility and sacrifice, and of truth and justice.  We explain that working for what is right and good leads to a truly happy and prosperous life, both for themselves and others. 

We explain that working for what is right and good leads to a truly happy and prosperous life, both for themselves and others. 

What about STEM?

A common misconception is that the liberal arts preclude STEM, but in fact the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are included in the liberal arts! Science and math offer new approaches and unique opportunities to explore truth and beauty. BFHS is committed to pursuing excellence in the hard sciences as well as the humanities. Our students have access to a broad variety of advanced and AP courses in math and science. The unique classical approach at BFHS means that our STEM faculty share our passion for cultivating character and excellence in virtue. 

Further Reading on Classical Education

Interested in seeing our approach in action? Schedule a tour of our campus and classes today! We welcome conversation or questions about our classical educational philosophy and practice. For further reading on the classical model, we recommend the sources below:

“What is Classical Education?”, The Well-Trained Mind

“Classical Education for Modern Times”, Dr. Terrence O. Moore

“What is Classical Education”, The CirCE Institute

Benjamin Franklin High School


18864 E. Germann Rd.
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Phone: (480) 558-1197
Attendance Hotline: (480) 427-3991

School Hours

  • School Hours: 7:55am - 2:35pm M-F
    • If a student has a zero hour, school starts at 7:00am
    • If a student has a 7th hour, school ends at 3:30pm
  • Front Office: 6:30am - 3:30pm M-F

Administration & Office Staff

Principal: John Allen
Assistant Principal: Jonathan Fong
Assistant Principal: Kristine Pullins
Assistant Principal: Dave Jefferies
Office Manager: Bianca Lombard
Registrar: Sharon Turgeon
