Family Resources
Welcome to our Family Resources page! Please use the links and buttons below to download and view information relevant to your family. If you cannot find what you're looking for, please contact the front office. Thank you!
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Academic Support and Advising
A variety of student academic support programs are offered to qualified students at BFHS. Parents with concerns about their child's academic progress may reach out to the classroom teacher or the campus student support liaison listed below for more direction.
Academic Advisor, Cassandra Miller, | Junior High A-K, Freshmen, Juniors
Academic Advisor, Michael Norzagary, | Junior High L-Z, Sophomores, Seniors
Parents/Guardians will need a MySchoolBucks account to browse the store and make payments. Extended family and others can create a GUEST MySchoolBucks account to browse the store, purchase apparel, and make donations. Please read these instructions on how to set up an account.
Junior High and High School families can use MySchoolBucks to pay for class fees, parking pass fees, yearbooks, club fees, athletic fees, and field trips.
Chargers must come to school with the necessary materials. Backpacks or book bags may be used to carry books, binders and notebooks to and from school. Each student should be prepared with several pencils and blue or black ink ballpoint pens and white, blue-lined, loose-leaf notebook paper. Spiral-bound notebooks are used for note taking, journaling, or other coursework as directed by the teacher. A set of consumable books is the responsibility of the parent(s). A list of books and ISBN numbers are provided to parent(s).
Individual teachers may require additional specific tools for school use, such as rulers, compass, calculator, sketchbook, subject notebooks, binders, and the like. Students should wait to purchase such items until their teacher has specified them. For a list of supplies, please refer to your teacher's individual websites.